Monday, February 26, 2007

Office politics/gossip get involved or stay well clear??!!!

I guess every single working environment will suffer from the much dreaded gossip/ politics.. What to do in a situation where one ends up getting involved???
Well... I'm at the best of times quite an outspoken person so against best judgement in occasions I end up being quite honest and giving people my opinion on the matter in hand. I have to say that not always goes down well, but hey, doesn't really bother me most times.

However, due to a few changes happening round here, the office politics/gossip reached an all time high where common sense just tells me "stay well clear or you'll end up getting into shit over your big gob!!"

It's proving to be really difficult for me to keep my mouth shut, I have had to bite my tongue in occasions(quite a few occasions in fact), especially as a recently promoted person is getting a head so big, I don't think it'll actually fit up you know where any longer, also considering that I have known this person for most of the time I have worked here and we actually had a good working relationship, I'm finding really difficult to handle his self-importance when its not really justified ( major power trip )- and just to make this clear, everyone in this office is having a problem with it - so much so, that I don't think most of us can actually hold a conversation with this person without being sarcastic ( but he wont even notice- self important and dumb, talk about great combinations).

Apologies for rambling a bit..

So.. office gossip. Yes??!!!! Lets see how I manage....

Speak soon,


Monday, February 12, 2007

Back at work today from a weeks leave that was spent in Portugal.
It was good to be home as it always is…
After 6 hours travelling on the way there,as TAP decided to cancel the flight and book every passenger on a different flight that was going to stop over in Dublin, what was suppose to be a 2.5 hours flight turned into 6 hours. Needless to say that none of the passengers were pleased about it, specially with the attitude of the cabin crew which seem to think that it was fine not to give us any info whatsoever about what was going on.
Anyway, finally landed made my way to my friend’s house completely knackered and wishing my life away.

The reason for this trip was to actually sort a few things out – which seems to be the main reason y I spend so much time in Portugal these days - I was getting up around 7.30 am every day and rushing around between trying to see David and sort all the stuff out and having a few annoyed moments with the different bureaucratic bullsh8t that they kept throwing at me…
To sum it up, I’m actually happy to be back at work, don’t get me wrong, I loved seeing David, but I was sooo tired by Friday, I was welcoming Monday to come back to work. - CANT BELIEVE I'M ACTUALLY SAYING THIS!!!
Planning my next holiday now - NOT Portugal - wanna go somewhere nice to chill out but not get bored ( beach, but also enough nature or city life to keep me occupied ) ... So, if anyone has any suggestions, feel free..
Speak soon,