Monday, December 10, 2007

I saw this at Delboy's blog and think its fantastic and would like to share!!!!

"A little known fact, but it's true! The North American Aerospace Defence Command has been tracking Santa since 1955!

Check out the
article on Google's blog as well as the NORAD website!

You will even be able to download Santa's complete route on Google Maps on Christmas Eve! "



Wednesday, December 05, 2007

More about me......

You Are Apple Green
You are almost super-humanly upbeat. You have a very positive energy that surrounds you.And while you are happy go lucky, you're also charmingly assertive.You get what you want, even if you have to persuade those against you to see things your way.Reflective and thoughtful, you know yourself well - and you know that you want out of life.

This one was spot on- Brasil is a country I have lined up to visit for years!!!

You Should Visit Brazil
If you're looking for an extreme yet chill vacation, Brazil is perfect for you.Go wild at Carnaval, get lost in the Amazon, and relax checking out the beautiful people on the beach.

Its all about Green tonight!!! I think I'll keep the blue, thanks!

Your Blog Should Be Green
Your blog is smart and thoughtful - not a lot of fluff.You enjoy a good discussion, especially if it involves picking apart ideas.However, you tend to get easily annoyed by any thoughtless comments in your blog.

There you go!!!
A little more about me.......... :p

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Birth Month says......

- Pick your birth month.
-Bold the 5-10 that best apply to you.
- Copy to your own journal, with all twelve months.
- Tag 12 people from your friends list.

APRIL: Active and dynamic. Decisive and hasty but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving. Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.

Got the above from Rolando 's blog, and as it happens we're both the same star sign!!!

My friends would probably add Proud, Stubborn as part of this list!!!!
No tagging happening at this point!!! :p

JANUARY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people’s flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. Very stubborn and money cautious.

FEBRUARY: Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizes dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.

MARCH: Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate. Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody.

APRIL: Active and dynamic. Decisive and hasty but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving. Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.

MAY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.

JUNE: Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Able to show character. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Brand conscious. Executive. Stubborn.

JULY: Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people’s feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.

AUGUST: Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless. Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride in oneself. Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends.

SEPTEMBER: Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized. Likes to point out people’s mistakes. Likes to criticize. Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic.

OCTOBER: Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to take things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn’t pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children.

NOVEMBER: Has a lot of ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinks forward. Unique and brilliant. Extraordinary ideas. Sharp thinking. Fine and strong clairvoyance. Can become good doctors. Dynamic in personality. Secretive. Inquisitive. Knows how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative but amiable. Brave and generous. Patient. Stubborn and hard-hearted. If there is a will, there is a way. Determined. Never give up. Hardly becomes angry unless provoked. Loves to be alone. Thinks differently from others. Sharp-minded. Motivates oneself. Does not appreciate praises. High-spirited. Well-built and tough. Deep love and emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest and keeps secrets. Not able to control emotions. Unpredictable.

DECEMBER: Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egotistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

This is def my desk at work!!!


BBC Children in Need

BBC led event that raises money for children, the mascote is Pudsey ( above pic... how cute is he!!), this year this event manage to raise £19 million in donations.

For anyone that has never heard of this charity even please check the link for more information Children in need

Bye for now!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

We have finally booked our next holiday, and as you may have guessed(above pic a bit of a clue! :p) or not its going to be Cape Town, South Africa.
I have been there once before in 2004, but really happy to be going back.
B's dad and bro live there and I can't wait to get there, enjoy the city, sunshine, beaches...
I've been once before and its a beautiful city that I would certainly recommend.
Couldn't be happier and can't wait to go: we're going in January for 2 1/2 weeks. yay!!!!
Bye for now!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday Blues


Ps- 3 pics taken in London

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Nothing to say!!!

I've been very lazy updating my blog lately, cos nothing exciting is really happening on my life at the moment!
Work has been controlling my life in the past few weeks : been very busy, often working late..
I've got no holidays planned....
My friends and I have started to talk about Christmas ( Scary!! )
..and on weekends we watch the rugby!!! World Cup taking place at the moment in France and today we've watched 2 matches :

England V Australia - England won ( big surprise and upsetting news to my Aussie friends!)

and at the moment watching

New Zealand V France - match hasn't finished yet, but reckon New Zealand ( they are the best rugby team in the world ( apparently).. *

A few times, I've started posting and unavoidably it becomes a whinge about work, I dont want to do that this time!! Last outburst was quite enough to amuse a few people!!! :p

However there's nothing else to be said, the picture above pretty much describes my feelings at the moment!!!

Bye for now!!!

* by the time i finished writing this post the matched ended and guess what - FRANCE WON - 20 -18 to France - a shocking day!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

You Are Sunrise

You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.
You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward.
Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.
All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be.
All I need to know!! :p

Aries - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

You're quite the charmer. You've got the wit and attitude to attract almost anyone you meet.
Out spoken and honest, any date knows how they stand with you.
Fearless, independent, and willing to try anything twice - your dates should expect the unexpected.

Your negative traits:

You tend to be vain, and you expect your partner to feed that vanity often with complements.
Hot tempered and impulsive, you've occasionally ended things ... only to regret it later.
You're obsessed with being the best, most loved girlfriend or boyfriend your sweetie's ever had.

Your ideal partner:

A risk taking, free spirit like yourself - who can keep up with your latest wild child antics.
Someone stylish, attractive, and fit... who can keep you attracted for months.
Is hard to get - and lets you pursue things. You prefer to be the chaser, not the one being chased.

Your dating style:

Wild, unpredictable, fun, and daring. Your ideal date may involve a couple motorcycles or naked skydiving.

Your seduction style:

Honest and direct - you have no need for romance or much foreplay.
Show off. You like to show your lover how you're the best ever.
Ambitious. You often like to go all night - or aim for multiple orgasms.

Tips for the future:

Start to believe in second and third chances. You don't have to dump them so fast.
Savor the process. Sometimes the best part of falling in love is taking things in slow motion.
Let go of comparisons. If someone's with you, then you've already one. Stop worrying about exes.

Best color to attract mate: Red

Best day for a date: Tuesday

What's your element?

Your Element Is Air
You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.
Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.
You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!
I have just found out that because of a colleague of mines incompetence and extreme dumbness, I have to come to work tomorrow!!!


But not only my moronic colleague hasn't apologise, he doesnt even recognise he's FUCKED UP!!! ....

20 minutes later..........



Oh my! oh my! oh my!!! Still annoyed and the moron is attempting to patronise me now!!!
And he still hasn't apologised and I still wanna tell him to fuck off!!!

And I also found out that one of the colleagues that I do really like might be leaving.. not a good day..........


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Notting Hill Carnival

Last weekend was a Carnival weekend, its the biggest street party in Europe, 2nd biggest in the world after Rio, and its absolutely great.
The carnival started taking place in 1965 and even tho it hasn't been short of problems throughout the years, its an even that I highly recommend to def experience London in a unique manner.
For a little more info:

I didn't make it this year, but I have been 3 times before, and although security its a big issue it certaintly doesnt stop anyone to have a fantastic time.Londoners reservations is certainly forgotten about during these 3 days of partying.

Here are some pics I have taken in the past:



Saturday, August 25, 2007

Malta- beautiful, friendly, relaxing...

Spent 5 days in Malta with B back in July,really nice break from London life.
Malta is a small country in the med, made of 3 islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino, their currency is the lira and its actually stronger than the pound(dont see that much), its a gorgeous place filled with history and very friendly people
Here are some pics....

Popeyes Village
Elephants head
window to eternity
view of valletta
Blue Lagoon

Speak soon,


ps- apologies for the terrible stiching job with the panoramic pic!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

SONNET XVIII,Shakespeare

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed,
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed:
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st,
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.


ps-pic taken in Portugal in '05

Friday, August 17, 2007

Where is home??

I just came back from Portugal a couple of days ago, I spent a week there with B.
It was so fantastic taking B with me to Portugal.
It was good to catch up with a few people, it was good to be there, enjoy the fantastic weather, enjoy the great food, definitely great to see my brother.

And it was obviously sad to leave..

This trip was not short of little problems,the worst one being accommodation- we were meant to stay with a friend of mine, but her house was a building site, so that didnt really happen(story too long to explain), so I found myself in a situation where I felt like a tourist in my own country, after calling quite a lot of places we eventually found a guest house to stay for a few nights which just meant that most of supposed spending money was for accommodation.
At one point, I felt that once my brother is sorted out and comes over I wont really have any reason to go Portugal anymore.

Its home because I lived there all my life and I love the country,but there's nothing there for me any longer. When I get there, I find myself calling London home.

So.. where is home??? I guess London is home..although Portugal will always be "home" because its part of who I am, its runs in my blood - many a time people tell me I def have a temper of a Med/latino person - and I love the country, but at this point in time London is my home and B and all the friends I've made here(some still around and some already gone) are my family.


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Pic of the day!!!

This photo was taken in Santorini, a village called Oia, which is renowned for its sunsets - this is my favourite pic of the dozens I took of the sunset on that holiday!!!


Friday, July 06, 2007

Pic of the day!!!

I've decided to try and uploads weekly photos taken by me of random events ( same as Delboy has been doing for a while).

This photo was taken last saturday in the pub, at a friends birthday drinks, with my camera phone,Sony Erickson K800i.

Have a good weekend peeps!!!


Friday, June 29, 2007

Time for goodbyes and hellos

The last month has been mostly about saying farewell.

Farewell to work colleagues who have found new jobs, farewell to our dosser who has finally left after 4 months living at my house and Farewell to our friends James who is going back to New Zealand and Deb and Del who have decided to move to Australia after quite a few years living a travellers life in London.

These past few days have been a time to go down memory lane a bit, remembering how much all our lifes have changed since first arriving in London (myself in Dec '00).

Its an exciting and sad time for me right now.
In 6 years - we travelled alot, we drunk a hell of a lot more ( :p ), spent many a weekend at the redback and Walkabout ( a few long lasting relationships started at the walkie - who would have known???!!! ), we were each others family, some of us got married and had kids (go Deb and Kim!!!) and we made forever lasting friendships.

These guys will be sorely missed and even tho I'm excited for them and for the new life that expects them down under, I cant help but feel like I've "lost" some of the closest friends I've had in my life!

It also time to welcome to the world and say hello to little Felicity and little Emily who were born in the last couple of weeks, one in Oz and the other in England!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Rain, rain, rain...

This was probably the most miserable bank holiday weekend ever!! Weather wise that is... its just rained and rained and rained was windy and more freaking rain.
I am NOT a winter person, I dislike winter with a passion (like many other people in the world). I'll never get used to this weather, even if I live in London for the rest of my life ( which is highly unlikely), I'll never get use to the weather!!!

I still managed to get ridiculously drunk both on Friday night and on Sunday night, bring on sambucca/Springbok to make the world look like a better place. : ) : )

And now its back at work, for what feels like a long week already.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Been awhile....

Its been a busy month, havent really been at home on the weekends, been camping, visit family in Thetford and apart from that work, work, work!!!

Lately the longer I stay away from my house the better, its hasnt really been that great, we've had someone staying at our place for the past 3 and a half months and its driving me absolutely insane, it would be ok if i actually got on well with this person( but that's not the case- we just about manage to be civil) and I've now just become a complete bitch and keep conversation to a minimum...its really difficult and I wont go into to many details, as if I did this would be a very very very very long post!!! Just to make things clear - B and I live in a not very bit 1 bedroom flat ( perfect for 2 PEOPLE not 3), the whole point of doubling our rent was because we were sick of sharing and we wanted our own place.. well, that didnt last for long.
I dont feel like I cant really say anything cos this guy is really good friends with B ( like school friends, they have known each other for a long long time) and if I say something I will probably completely blow my lid and then say things I will probably regret, placing B in a very awkward position.
We finally got a leaving date ( 9th June ), BRING IT ON!!!!

Anyway, this is my rant for the day. Apologies to all!!!! ;p

Work is getting quite busy, every day stuff plus small projects creeping in, I quite enjoy the projects side of it, keeps me busy and its always something different going on!!

We've just had a little move round in our office, which was made so ridiculously complicated that at one point it was hilarious to stand back and watch, figure out phones numbers its really not rocket science... well, so I thought until I saw how it was dealt with last Friday in my office!!! Funniest thing, the person that was organising it completely refused any sort of suggestions, so we all just stood back and laughed at how everything was being made so complicated.

I'm just listening a conversation between a colleague of mine and a customer whilst typing this post.. and oh my word!!!! I wish I could record it and play it back,if my colleague says : "sort of thing" one more time i think the client is going to flip!!! WHAT A TOOL THIS GUY IS, how the fuck was he ever promoted to the level he's on now???? - Mind Boggles!!!!

Will post some pics of my camping weekend shortly!!!

Speak soon,

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A corny moment...

This is my favourite song at the moment.. lyrics probably a bit corny!!! But hey, nothing wrong with corny, most nice things in the world are corny.. ;p

"There was a time I had nothing to give
I needed shelter from the storm i was in
And when it all got too heavy
You carried my weight
And i want to hold you
And i want to say
That you are all that i need
For you,I give my soul to keep
You see me, love me
Just the way i am
For you i am a better man
I said you are the reason
For everything i do
I'd be lost,
so lost without you
Under the stars
At the edge of the sea
There's no one around
No one but you and me
We'd talk for hours
As time drifts away
I could stay here forever
And hold you this way
Coz you are all that i need
For you, I give my soul to keep
You see me, love me
Just the way i am
For you i am a better man
I said you are the reason
For everything i do
I'd be lost, so lost without you"

James Morrison "Better Man"

Saturday, April 07, 2007

London Pics!!!

Hope you all enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.


Isabel x

Sunset in London - Thames river, by Hammersmith

Trafalgar Square & Big Ben

Queen Victoria Monument by Buckingham Palace

St James's Park

London Eye - View from Whitehall

Trafalgar Square

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


This last weekend was spent walking around visiting tourist spots around London, so much left to visit tho.

I have been living in this city for 6 and a bit years and its so easy to forget how amazing this place actually is.

As I was walking around with my cousin and it was her first time in London, it was cool to see her reaction to the Palace,Big Ben, Westminster Abbey. She took lots of photos, and I couldnt help myself so had to take a few, the above photo was taken a few months ago on a night out, pics of this weekend will be posted soon.
Life is too short to waste it worrying about everything, I guess I just have to keep reminding myself that in spite of all its problems I actually live in one of the most amazing cities in the world and take time to actually admire everything around me.
Speak soon,

Monday, February 26, 2007

Office politics/gossip get involved or stay well clear??!!!

I guess every single working environment will suffer from the much dreaded gossip/ politics.. What to do in a situation where one ends up getting involved???
Well... I'm at the best of times quite an outspoken person so against best judgement in occasions I end up being quite honest and giving people my opinion on the matter in hand. I have to say that not always goes down well, but hey, doesn't really bother me most times.

However, due to a few changes happening round here, the office politics/gossip reached an all time high where common sense just tells me "stay well clear or you'll end up getting into shit over your big gob!!"

It's proving to be really difficult for me to keep my mouth shut, I have had to bite my tongue in occasions(quite a few occasions in fact), especially as a recently promoted person is getting a head so big, I don't think it'll actually fit up you know where any longer, also considering that I have known this person for most of the time I have worked here and we actually had a good working relationship, I'm finding really difficult to handle his self-importance when its not really justified ( major power trip )- and just to make this clear, everyone in this office is having a problem with it - so much so, that I don't think most of us can actually hold a conversation with this person without being sarcastic ( but he wont even notice- self important and dumb, talk about great combinations).

Apologies for rambling a bit..

So.. office gossip. Yes??!!!! Lets see how I manage....

Speak soon,


Monday, February 12, 2007

Back at work today from a weeks leave that was spent in Portugal.
It was good to be home as it always is…
After 6 hours travelling on the way there,as TAP decided to cancel the flight and book every passenger on a different flight that was going to stop over in Dublin, what was suppose to be a 2.5 hours flight turned into 6 hours. Needless to say that none of the passengers were pleased about it, specially with the attitude of the cabin crew which seem to think that it was fine not to give us any info whatsoever about what was going on.
Anyway, finally landed made my way to my friend’s house completely knackered and wishing my life away.

The reason for this trip was to actually sort a few things out – which seems to be the main reason y I spend so much time in Portugal these days - I was getting up around 7.30 am every day and rushing around between trying to see David and sort all the stuff out and having a few annoyed moments with the different bureaucratic bullsh8t that they kept throwing at me…
To sum it up, I’m actually happy to be back at work, don’t get me wrong, I loved seeing David, but I was sooo tired by Friday, I was welcoming Monday to come back to work. - CANT BELIEVE I'M ACTUALLY SAYING THIS!!!
Planning my next holiday now - NOT Portugal - wanna go somewhere nice to chill out but not get bored ( beach, but also enough nature or city life to keep me occupied ) ... So, if anyone has any suggestions, feel free..
Speak soon,

Friday, January 26, 2007

More about me... A-Z version..

A - Available/Single or Taken?...
.... taken
B - Best Friend?...
.... my cousin Rosinda.
C - Cake or pie?...
......cake, anyday..
D - Drink Of Choice?...
.....def coffee, get so grumpy when I dont have my coffee in the morning!!!
E – Essential Item You Use Everyday?...
F - Favourite Color?...
... Blue
G - Gummy Bears or Worms?...
....well........given the choice I'll have to say gummy bears.
H - Hometown?...
... My childhood was pretty much divided between Lisbon and a small village in the portuguese region of Alentejo, although I always feel a real sense of coming home when going to Alentejo.
I - Indulgence?...
.... Books, spend way too much money on books.
J - January or February?...
.......February - this is a short month,when I get over the long month of January and six weeks without pay and I really start looking forward to Spring and warmer weather.
K - Kids & Their Names?...
..... Don't have kids, don't foresee having kids in the near future. And in all honesty I havent really stopped to think of names.
L - Life is Incomplete Without?...
...Books, and of course B...
M - Marriage date?...
... not married
N - Number of Siblings?...
......1 younger brother.
O - Oranges or Apples?...
.... Oranges
P - Phobias/Fears?...
.... This one is hardly original, but I'm scared shitless of snakes, something about snakes just creeps me out. I can't even stand to watch them on TV.
Q - Favourite (movie) Quote?...
...... no one puts baby in the corner... HAHAHAHA... how cheesy...
R - Reason to Smile?...
....its friday!!!!
S - Season? Spring or Fall?...
...... Spring, I love spring.The expectation of warmer weather. The birds singing... I just love Spring.
T - Tag 3 people?...
... Del, Deb - will tag only these two for the time being.
U - Unknown Fact About Me?...
....I cant really think of anything...
V - Vegetable you don’t like?...
.... I seriously don't like carrots, well..boiled carrots especially, its a childhood thing, never ever liked boiled carrots.
W - Worst Habit?...
....reading whilst B is trying to sleep, it really annoys him... And of course, smoking which also really annoys B.
.... Along with the above comes the fact that I'm really stubborn and will not stop regardless how much it annoys B. And yes, he has the patiente of an angel.
X - X-rays You’ve Had?...
... Teeth.
Y - Your Favorite Food?...
... Well, I loved seafood I won't even go into specifics, just seafood in general - give it to me and I'll have a smile plastered all over my face. : )
Z – Zodiac sign?
.... Aries

Thursday, January 25, 2007