Friday, June 29, 2007

Time for goodbyes and hellos

The last month has been mostly about saying farewell.

Farewell to work colleagues who have found new jobs, farewell to our dosser who has finally left after 4 months living at my house and Farewell to our friends James who is going back to New Zealand and Deb and Del who have decided to move to Australia after quite a few years living a travellers life in London.

These past few days have been a time to go down memory lane a bit, remembering how much all our lifes have changed since first arriving in London (myself in Dec '00).

Its an exciting and sad time for me right now.
In 6 years - we travelled alot, we drunk a hell of a lot more ( :p ), spent many a weekend at the redback and Walkabout ( a few long lasting relationships started at the walkie - who would have known???!!! ), we were each others family, some of us got married and had kids (go Deb and Kim!!!) and we made forever lasting friendships.

These guys will be sorely missed and even tho I'm excited for them and for the new life that expects them down under, I cant help but feel like I've "lost" some of the closest friends I've had in my life!

It also time to welcome to the world and say hello to little Felicity and little Emily who were born in the last couple of weeks, one in Oz and the other in England!!