Since my last post, I've been to Portugal, had Christmas and New Year to celebrate, spent 2 1/2 weeks in South Africa, and all in all its been a fantastic couple of months.
Spent week before Christmas in Portugal and as usual had way too much to do and too little time!!!!
Its always so nice to go home, I just wish I had the chance to relax a lot more than I do when I'm there.
Returned to London literally 2 days before Christmas and had lots of last minute things to do(like finish buying my Christmas presents - not a pleasant experience, people do go slightly insane those last few days before Christmas).
Xmas and New Year came and went and it was finally time to board the plane and fly to South Africa YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! ( all about SA on a different post).
Finally came back to the reality of winter and work on the 29th January and it felt awful!
Got to the office nice an early, feeling slightly depressed (but since I had to go to work, might as well show off my nice tan : ) , and as soon as I walked in I find that a couple of people have left (including the General Manager), new people had been appointed and had already started their new jobs ( what the f*ck???!!! I was only away for 2 1/2 weeks).
After I managed to pretend I cared ( f8ck sake, as far as I was concerned I just wanted to tell people about my holidays, eventually log in, check how many emails I got while I was away and eventually start reading them), I was taken for a little catch up/introductions with the new "big" boss, 15 minutes later I was ready to start screaming, the guy is, wellll.......... painfull to cope with.
I have been back at work for 2 weeks now, its been insanely busy, in between trying to keep up with all the work my Manager is sending my way, my customers are as demanding as ever (behave like bl88dy children sometimes - stories for another time) and am already thinking where to go on holiday next, even if only for a long weekend.... suggestions welcomed!!!
Bye for now!!!