Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Another week closer to pay day, it does feel like pay day wont arrive until I've spent all my overdraft money...
Funny thing is I got a call from my bank whilst I was on holiday in December - and had not checked my bank account in a little while and was a bit worried about it as well -and all they had to tell me was how great it was that I hadn't used my o/d in about 7 months and that I seemed to be managing my money quite well- the whole time I'm thinking:"are u sure u are looking at MY bank account?" and " Wot the fuck????" And then January came and the whole being good with money went truly and seriously down the drain.. Damn... guess I wont have any annoying bank people calling me anytime time soon...

Time to go back to my boring job now...

Bye for now,

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