Saturday, April 22, 2006

Back Home

Arrived in Portugal around 11 am today, which involved a 6am start, which for me it IS middle of the night, my friend was at the airport waiting for me which was pretty cool.
It always feels strange the first day I´m back. Dont quite feel at home here anymore, if it wasnt for my brother, i dont think I´d come back in a rush.Of course I´d miss the few people i still have here, and my friends, but i think London is home now-well until i move countries again... :p

Anyway, I´m here now, and I´ve spend a load of money already-unfortunately not on clothes - all practical stuff pretty much all for David, and its been pissing down with rain all day, so on top of no money, I also got soak walking to my friends house with 4 bags of food-crappy first day.
Hopefully the weather ppl got something right for once and tomorrow we´ll have 25C, otherwise, I´m pretty fucked.. My wardrobe for this holiday consists of flip flops a pair of boots, jeans and summers t-shirts- the reason why this is the case is that i was told the weather was fantastic here already and i could get away with summer tops - y, oh y did i believe this????
Now my lovelies, time to go, one of my friends has just arrived home from work and its time to chat.. yay..


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tag... Your it...

I have been tagged, i just thought I would share all the info my friend wanted to know with all of you...

Four jobs you have had in your life…
fm coordinator

Four places you have lived:
France (well i was born there, if that counts.. )
Portugal ( Lisbon, Beja)

Four TV shows you love to watch :
2 1/2 men
Will & Grace
Prison Break

Four places you have been on vacation:

Four websites I visit daily:

Four of my favourite foods:

Four places I would rather be right now:
Maldives ( mauritius, etc, etc.. )
South Africa

Hmmmm..... besides the fact that I have way too much time in my hands at work to visit the above websites more than once a day... there's not much to find out..

Keep smiling..


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Getting old....

I am now 26 years old, whatever that means... my birthday celebration was dinner with lovely B. at the Blue Elephant in Fulham Broadway.. Its an absolutely gorgeous restaurant inside, and the food is great..

At one point I was trying to explain to B why I felt quite down about my b'day this year, and nothing relating to feeling old or anything, its purely because I dont feel like I've achieved anything much between April 2005 and April 06.
My b'day celebration last year was great, probably cos i did feel like I had such a brilliant year, with loads of travelling and money saved.. I was so looking forward having my friends around and party.. This year is a completely different story...

Lets see what this year has in store for me, up to now it has all been difficult news for me to deal with, hopefully it'll get better at some point..


Monday, April 03, 2006

Another week...

This day in History: 1862 - Slavery was abolished in Washington, DC.
1882 - Jesse James is murdered

Monday again............

Weekend was good - drunk friday night with work friends, drunk saturday night - snakebites at the Elgin
And quiet day yesterday- At home watching the boat races and friends came over for dinner. B cooked roast chicken, which tasted great, although he can't get his head around making gravy ( he always fucks it up, it hilarious).

This week is my birthday, turning 26 ( I cannot believe it).. And contrary to last year, when I was looking forward to my birthday for weeks, and had everything super organised about 2 weeks before the celebration, this year I can't be fucked with organising anything, to be honest I dont actually want to do anything. But its becoming pretty much impossible getting away with no doing anything, unless I hide away somewhere for the rest of the week, I havent decided anything, but its another friends b'day celebration on saturday night, and we have a few common friends, so probably just have a few "celebration" drinks then. Hmmmm, I'll keep u posted...

Changing the subject slightly...

Going back to Portugal again on the 15th April, for a week, B is coming happy he can make this time, it'll be good having him there. The weather is quite good this time of year, so hopefully I'll get a bit of colour in my cheeks, so pale at the moment that I look sick...

It'll be good to see my bro as well, he calls me whenever he can, and it breaks my heart not being able to contact me whenever I want and having to wait for him to call, and even then only managing a 2 minute conversation cos the calls are quite expensive. Going over, for at least a week, I feel that I can be of more help somehow, and be nearer all the shit that is happening at the moment.

Regarding work, alls ok...... a few changes happening, which I'm not exactly thrilled about, but there's nothing I can do, so I just have to take it and shut up. A new company is taking over the contract as well, and this new one its an international company- not sure yet if that is a good or bad thing as far as our situation go, staff briefings soon enough, lets see what they say.

Bye for now..


A few weeks ago I went to Brugge with B and a couple of friends.
The town looks extremely pretty and clean, but to be honest since we pretty much arrived our aim was to try ( or the boys aim, shall I say ) a many different Belgian Beers as they possible could.. It did help the fact that was extremely cold, and on the day we got there, it was pissing down with rain pretty much the whole afternoon, what better excuse to delay the sighseeing a bit and head straight to the pub, I ask??? Well, for the 4 of us it was the PERFECT excuse... Expecially cos D'boy had read about this pub that serves around 300 different types of Belgian beer. Over 3 days, the boys (with very little help from the girls - I'm not really a beer drinker, and D is pregnant), manage to drink almost 40 different ones - and yes we did manage some sightseeing... people in general are very friendly and they whole seem to speak english, which was good for us.. .. :p

B got very very drunk on the second night, B'boy was nice enough to film the whole think, so now we even have evidence on how my sweet boyfriend was behaving - we did have a good laugh...

I found the city very charming, would probably like to go back in the spring or summertime, cos it was very cold, I pretty much lost feeling of my toes( and just in case, yes i was wearing winter boots.. :p )

We also spent a couple of hours in Brussels.. according to D'boy saw everything there is to see in those 2 hours, my first impression - pretty, but not in a rush to go back, Brugge seemes a lot prettier..

Anyway, some photos below... I'll add some more sightseeing pics later on...

The Pub
A few beers down the line

Beer 5&6 - 1st day

Canals Klein Japp have the time of his life

Keep smiling,

