Monday, April 03, 2006


A few weeks ago I went to Brugge with B and a couple of friends.
The town looks extremely pretty and clean, but to be honest since we pretty much arrived our aim was to try ( or the boys aim, shall I say ) a many different Belgian Beers as they possible could.. It did help the fact that was extremely cold, and on the day we got there, it was pissing down with rain pretty much the whole afternoon, what better excuse to delay the sighseeing a bit and head straight to the pub, I ask??? Well, for the 4 of us it was the PERFECT excuse... Expecially cos D'boy had read about this pub that serves around 300 different types of Belgian beer. Over 3 days, the boys (with very little help from the girls - I'm not really a beer drinker, and D is pregnant), manage to drink almost 40 different ones - and yes we did manage some sightseeing... people in general are very friendly and they whole seem to speak english, which was good for us.. .. :p

B got very very drunk on the second night, B'boy was nice enough to film the whole think, so now we even have evidence on how my sweet boyfriend was behaving - we did have a good laugh...

I found the city very charming, would probably like to go back in the spring or summertime, cos it was very cold, I pretty much lost feeling of my toes( and just in case, yes i was wearing winter boots.. :p )

We also spent a couple of hours in Brussels.. according to D'boy saw everything there is to see in those 2 hours, my first impression - pretty, but not in a rush to go back, Brugge seemes a lot prettier..

Anyway, some photos below... I'll add some more sightseeing pics later on...

The Pub
A few beers down the line

Beer 5&6 - 1st day

Canals Klein Japp have the time of his life

Keep smiling,



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